for modelling inbreeding effective size and divergence patterns in metapopulations

Example files for GESP (see manual for details)


If you are using this software in research or management, please cite:
Olsson F, Laikre L, Hössjer O, Ryman N. 2017. GESP: A computer program for genetic exploration of effective population size, inbreeding, and divergence in, substructured populations. Molecular Ecology Resources, Accepted manuscript online: 24 March 2017, DOI: 10.1111/1755-0998.12673


The theoretical framework behind GESP is provided by:
Hössjer O, Olsson F, Laikre L, Ryman N. 2014.A new general analytical approach for modeling patterns of genetic differentiation and effective size of subdivided populations over time. Mathematical Biosciences 258:113-133.

Hössjer O, Olsson F, Laikre L, Ryman N. 2015. Metapopulation inbreeding dynamics, effective size and subpopulation differentiation—A general analytical approach for diploid organisms. Theoretical Population Biology 102:40-59.

The theory implemented in GESP has been used for a practical conservation case of Fennoscandian wolves presented here